Past Exhibition

Ho Ho Ying


Ho Ho Ying (b.1935, China) is a prominent pioneer of modern art in Singapore who co-founded the Modern Art Society Singapore in 1964. Ho received the Cultural Medallion in 2012 and Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Awards in 2014 for his invaluable contributions to the visual arts community. In his works, he often draws inspiration from Chinese culture, calligraphy and philosophy as well as the spontaneity of abstract expressionism. He has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Singapore and abroad since 1963. A scholar of Chinese language and literature, he is a prolific writer under his reputed moniker, Zi Mu and authored numerous books, short stories and contributed to the growing parameters of critical artistic discourse in Singapore.

Ho graduated from Nanyang University in 1962 with a degree in Chinese Language and Literature. Ho also received an Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (APAD) Singapore Award, for his contribution in promoting art among different racial art groups in Singapore and uniting various ethnic art organisations. Ho is a frontrunner for the Modern Art Award by the Modern Art Society, Singapore, for his tireless effort in promoting abstract art. He has exhibited in many countries such as Australia, China, France, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, USA and Vietnam.

From Chinese calligraphy of his schoolboy years, to Western Impressionism, Fauvist Masters, Surrealism and Free Movements, Ho¡¯s art style has evolved over years to find peace in the aesthetic of expressionism. At the core of his artistic philosophy lies the principle of Taoist sayings about freedom ¡°Let thinking be like a bird in the sky¡± - to live free of systematic restrictions and have artistic expression. Ho presents abstract, figurative and calligraphy paintings but he also pursues other avenues of artistic expression like essays and art criticism.

Ho¡¯s humble beginnings harkened from a time of lean opportunities. Escaping the Japanese in the Second-Sino Japanese War and the Second World War. Ho¡¯s fascination with art and literature was evident in his love for wuxia comics - copying the characters - and reading ¡®excessively¡¯ to the dismay of his mother. His love and confidence in art was bolstered by his talent for calligraphy, winning awards in school, and the support of his mentor Chen Wen Hsi who often sponsored his art supplies. Going on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature, Ho went on to become a figure of support for artistic expression and is outspoken about abstract arts.

何和应1936 年出身于海南。1941 年移居⻢来⻄亚吉隆玻。1951年,定居新加坡, 在华中念书 时,师从刘抗和陈⽂希。1955年华中毕业后,曾任中、⼩学教师。1962年考获南洋⼤学⽂学⼠学 位。1964⾄1995年,任国家社区领袖学院⾼级讲师。1963年是“第⼀届现代画展”的起发⼈之⼀, 也是现代画会的联合创始⼈。1984年起,担任新加坡艺术协会会⻓,共达12年。除此,于1991⾄ 1995年以及1998年担任新加坡美术总会会⻓,滕王阁书画院名誉院⻓等职位。何和应被⼴誉为现 代艺术开拓者、现代名画家、美术评论家、短编⼩说家,笔名⼦⽊。他也是创导创艺书法、卡⻰古 尼艺术。从1963年开始,画作⼊选国内外国际⼤展包括新加坡国庆展、亚洲国际艺术展、欧美国家 ⼤展等。于1966年、1979、1980、2000、2001、2012、2021 年先后在新加坡举⾏个⼈画展。 2012年荣新加坡⽂化奖。2014年获领南洋卓越 校友奖。

何先⽣於 1962 年畢業於南洋⼤學中國語⾔⽂學學⼠學位,獲得新加坡 Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya 頒發的 APAD 獎,以表彰他在促進新加坡不同種族藝術團體的藝術和團結各個種族藝術組織 ⽅⾯的貢獻 (1975 )。他因在促進抽象藝術⽅⾯的不懈努⼒⽽獲得新加坡現代藝術協會頒發的現代 藝術獎的認可。他曾在澳⼤利亞、中國、法國、⽇本、韓國、新加坡、台灣、泰國、美國和越南等 多個國家展出。

從他學⽣時代的中國書法,到⻄⽅印象派、野獸派⼤師、超現實主義和⾃由運動,何鴻燊的藝術⾵ 格經過多年演變,在表現主義美學中找到了平靜。其藝術哲學的核⼼是道家“思想如天上的⿃”的⾃ 由原則不受系統的限製⽽⽣活,有藝術表現⼒。何先⽣呈現抽像畫、具像畫和書法畫。但他也追求 其他藝術表達途徑,如散⽂和藝術批評。

何和应的卑微出身源於⼀個機會渺茫的時代。在中⽇戰爭和第⼆次世界⼤戰中逃離⽇本。何鴻燊對 藝術和⽂學的迷戀從他對武俠漫畫的熱愛——複製⼈物——以及“過度”閱讀讓他的單身⺟親感到沮 喪中可⾒⼀斑。他對藝術的熱愛和信⼼,得益於他的書法天賦、在學校屢獲殊榮,以及經常贊助他 的美術⽤品的導師陳⽂熙的⽀持。在繼續獲得中國語⾔⽂學學⼠學位後,何繼續成為⽀持藝術表達 的⼈物,並對抽象藝術直⾔不諱。
1975APAD Award by Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Dav, Singapore for his contribution in promoting art among the different racial art groups in Singapore and uniting the various ethnic art organisations.
1979Contribution to Modern Art Award by Modern Art Society, Singapore for his tireless effort in promoting abstract art.
2000Kalangguni Art Gold Award by Federation of Art Societies, Singapore.
Award for Achievement, IBC Cambridge 3 QP England.
Outstanding People of the 20th Century.
500 Leaders of Influential Achievement Award.
20th Century Artist & Writer by American Biography Institute
2001Special Gold Award by Teng Wang Ke, Shandong, China.
Outstanding Speaker of the 21st Century.
Hammer Merit. IBC England.
2003Long Service Gold Medal by Federation of Art Societies, Singapore.
2012Cultural Medallion Award, Singapore.
2014Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award.
1973Moon by Day¡¶⽩天的⽉亮¡·短编⼩说集
1978Ho Ho Ying Art Book ¡¶何和应画集¡·
1983The Seven Level of Pagoda¡¶七级宝塔¡·短编⼩说集
1998Hangzhou Diary ¡¶杭洲⽇记¡·
1999Perspectives in Art ¡¶美术论衡¡·
2000Breaking Barriers: Recent Calligraphy Artworks ¡¶Î¥êÆî¡äô¡·何和应创意书画集
2001Passionate Family & Art Oddity - a collection of short stories in Chinese ¡¶情家艺怪¡·
2003Tibet Lhasa Diary ¡¶⻄藏拉萨⽇记¡·
2005¡°Beyond Image¡± Calligraphy & Painting - Artworks by Ho Ho Ying, 2005
2014¡°The Present¡± ¡¶当下¡·
2021¡°Ho Ho Ying: The Path I Pursue¡± ¡¶何和应£ºä²õÚâÄîÜÖØ¡·